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Do We Need to Floss?

Do We Need to Floss?

Recently, an article came out from the Associated Press stating that flossing has no benefit compared to not flossing. The article states that since flossing is no longer in the 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines then it must have no benefit. Many of my patients have...

Teeth Whitening
Smiles |1 min read

Teeth Whitening

I wish my teeth were whiter. This is one of the most common comments made by patients. Whiter teeth look healthier, younger, and more beautiful. It just so happens, this is one of the easiest and most affordable cosmetic procedures available. There are 3 common ways...

The hidden power of smiling
Smiles |1 min read

The hidden power of smiling

I just came across a great video that explains why smiles are so important. I tried a fun test at my office. I asked my staff to try to frown for as long as they could while I smiled at them. They could not maintain their frowns. This was a fun way to show that smiles...